We started the registration for the Third Annual Conference "DEVELOPMENT OF FINANCIAL MONITORING SYSTEM IN BANK - RESULTS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF LEGISLATIONS INNOVATIONS AND EFFECTIVE RISK-ORIENTED AML-MEASURES IN BANK", that will be held in Odessa, Ukraine, on 5 – 7 September 2021.
We invited for participation representatives of:
- National Bank of Ukraine,
- Banks of Ukraine,
- State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine,
- National Commission on Securities and Stock Market,
- Ministry of Finance of Ukraine,
- Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine,
- International payment systems VISA and Mastercard.
Details of conference program and registration here: https://bit.ly/2UOrgbd
This year participants will be able to take part in event in live format and online. However "in live" - is the great opportunity to meet colleagues and make new useful acquaintances.
For detailed information of participation in conference and registration, write to our e-mail: center@nctbpu.org.ua